mercredi 13 octobre 2010

Baseball vocabulary Japanese > English.

The English terms are also used in Japan, but the Japanese words are also frequently used. The following list contains some of the words that you may read in newspapers/the scores or hear while watching a baseball game.

*If you cannot see the Japanese ideograms, you should install the East Asian Languages on your computer.

The players:

Toshu(投手): Pitcher
Hoshu(捕手): Catcher
Yashu(野手): Fielder
Naiyashu(内野手): Infielder
Gaiyashu(外野手): Outfielder
Dasha(打者): Batter
Sosha(走者): Runner
Shimei dasha(指名打者): Designated hitter
Daida(代打): Pinch batter
Daiso(代走): Pinch runner
Sawan(左腕): Left-handed pitcher
Uwan(右腕): Right-handed pitcher
Sempatsu(先発): Starter
Nakatsugi(中継ぎ): Relief
Osae(抑え): Closer
Shimpan(審判): Umpire

The ground:

Kyusho(球場): Ballpark
Naiya(内野): Infield
Gaiya(外野): Outfield
Ichirui(一塁): 1st base
Nirui(二塁): 2nd base
Sanrui(三塁): 3rd base
Honrui(本塁): The home plate

The game:

Yakyu(野球): Baseball
Shiai(試合): Match
Kai(回): Inning
Omote(表): Top of the inning
Ura(裏): Bottom of the inning
Dasen(打線): Line-up
Dageki(打撃): At-bat
Tokyu(投球): A pitch
Sokyu(送球): A throw (by the fielders)
Dakyu(打球): Batted ball
Sorui(走塁): Base running
Torui(盗塁): Base stealing
Ten(点): A run
Anda(安打): A hit
Honruida(本塁打): A homerun
Manrui homerun(満塁ホームラン): Full-base homerun
Gida(犠打): Sacrifice bunt
Gisei fly(犠牲フライ): Sacrifice fly
Tokutenken(得点圏): Scoring position (runner on 3rd)
Keien(敬遠): Intentional walk
Sanshin(三振): Strike out
Karaburi Sanshin(空振り三振): Strike out, the batter tried to hit
Minogashi Sanshin(見逃し三振): Strike out, the batter overlooked the ball
Shikyu/Four balls(四球): BB
Shikyu/Dead ball(死球): Hit by pitch
Sayonara hit(サヨナラヒット): hit in the bottom of the last inning, thanks to which the team of the batter won the game
Sayonara homerun(サヨナラホームラン): Same thing but with a homerun

The stats:

Bogyoritsu(防御率): ERA
Daritsu(打率): AVG
Daten(打点): RBI
Tokuten(得点): Scored runs
Shitten(失点): Runs given up by the pitcher
Datsusanshin(奪三振): Strike outs

The positions:

The words "toshu" and "hoshu" are often used to refer to the pitcher and the catcher. The othe positions have also Japanese names, but are almost never used.

Ichiruishu(一塁手): 1st baseman
Niruishu(二塁手): 2nd baseman
Sanruishu:(三塁手): 3rd baseman
Yugekishu(遊撃手): Short stop
Sayokushu(左翼手): Left fielder
Chukenshu: (中堅手): Center fielder
Uyokushu(右翼手): Right fielder

2 commentaires:

  1. merci professeur

  2. すごい!おつかれさまですm(_ _)m
